Dear our respective Members and Stakeholders!
Warmest greetings from Indonesia Exhibition Companies
Association / ASPERAPI.
On behalf of the Central Board of IECA / ASPERAPI, I would like to thanks and
appreciate all members and partners for having done the best to support
the positive growth of exhibition industry in Indonesia.
Indonesian exhibition industry has been progressing toward the right track
after the Meeting, Incentive, Conference and Exhibition (MICE) industry
sector along with many other industries being seriously disrupted by the
global pandemic in 2019 - 2020. Among the key drivers to the recovery are
Indonesian G20 Presidency for the first time in 2022 with the G20 summit
event being seen as an opportunity to boost Indonesian MICE industry.
The positive trend continues to the year 2023 with ASEAN Indonesia Summit in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa
Tenggara, as well as international sport MotoGp in 2022 and 2023 that altogether has encouraged exhibition
industry players to recover together, recover stronger after two and half years of pandemic.
Another driving factor is the new policy on one-stop licensing system that is expected to attract more events
to be held. The capitalization of an event, especially exhibition, is very high with onsite spot transaction,
business deals, transport and accommodation services. We are all well aware that exhibition service
industry performance relies on bringing together exhibitors and visitors in large gatherings, the pandemic
control measures strictly prevent any mass gatherings offline, while online exhibitions - regardless of
innovative digital features for doing business interactions, will never perfectly replace the advantages of
in-person interactions.
IECA members, consisting of exhibition organizers, stand contractors, venue owners, freight forwarders
and event supporting companies share the passion for repositioning Indonesia into a more competitive
MICE destination in the global scene. For sure, such passion should be coupled with continued information
update on the most recent developments of industries, technologies, economy, and market trends for
tapping the rising opportunities into business development pursuant to respective specialized services.
We are all well aware, however, that opportunities always arise with challenges to be faced and overcome.
To revive the industry, all parties must engage in real collaboration including the government, therefore
Indonesia Exhibition Companies Association (IECA/ASPERAPI) is delighted to welcomes and supports
the comeback of IECA member companies of exhibition organizer, venue owner, stand contractors and
supporting partners for presenting an exhibition to represents a milestone towards economic recovery
and opens up a gate to new year of post-pandemic new normal era of national sustainable development.
As a government partner for MICE development, IECA/ASPERAPI consistently involves and engages in the
efforts to promote Indonesian exhibition industry developments that directly boosts multiplier positive
effects to the growth of trade and industry.
All types of business events organized by IECA/ASPERAPI members, in addition to creating opportunities
also facing business challenges amidst the rising market competition, which may become tighter in the
year 2024. In fact every market players is now challenged with the ongoing waves towards the Society
5.0, where exhibition and conference organizers, venue owners and all related industry players have to
embark on human and digital technology capacity improvements. We all believe that growth in synergy
among IECA/ASPERAPI members and partners will continue riding the waves of developments for a better
future of Indonesia.
Thank you and Wishing everyone a great success at 2024
Hosea Andreas Runkat
Central Board of IECA (ASPERAPI)
Asosiasi Perusahaan Pameran Indonesia
(Indonesia Exhibition Companies Association)
Trade Mart Buildind 2nd Floor
Jakarta International Expo
Kemayoran, Jakarta 10630, Indonesia
+62 (21) 266 45 024
+62 (21) 266 45 037